By Bob Reistroffer

25 field observers and three feeder watchers joined and spent the cool sunny day finding 17,160 birds with 97 species recorded. The temperature ranged from 31° to 42°. Also during count week an additional 3 species were reported

High or low counts this year: No low counts this year but several highs;

249 Trumpeter Swans, 329 Gadwalls, 468 American Wigeons, 445 Northern Shovelers, 342 Ring-necked Ducks, 126 Common Goldeneyes, 96 Hooded Mergansers, 56 Bald Eagles, 5 Greater Yellow Legs, 12 Thayer’s Gulls, 28 Western Meadowlark’s, 

Seen during count week:  Clark’s Grebe, 8 Evening Grosbeaks, and 16 Common Redpolls (first reported sighting in Cowlitz County by Russ Koppendrayer).

Thank you all for a great job.

Hope to see you all next year on Tuesday, Jan 1, 2019.