By Russ Koppendrayer
We've reached the halfway mark of 2023 with 198 bird species recorded in Cowlitz County through the end of June. This is the most ever for this juncture and it is a good place to compare years as we've seen winter birds, a full spring migration and all our breeding species are here. One reason may be that we have an ever increasing number of folks in the field as well as more people reporting what they see. Time will tell if this translates to a record number at the end of December.
During June we only added three species to the list. Both Common Nighthawk and Red-eyed Vireo were expected as these local nesters are late migrants that typically aren't seen until June each year. We also added Western Kingbird, which was a different story altogether. Although not staying to nest, these flycatchers generally pass through in small numbers from late April through May, For no one to report one during their typical time was odd enough, but then for one to appear at the late date of June 11 added to the puzzle.
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